Sunday, July 22, 2007

"Covering The Beaches of Southern California"

welcome to my blog..

this blog is an ongoing journal of my photos and experiences covering
the beaches of Southern California.

i love the beach...the beaches of Southern California also are my favorites since they have such a wide variety of vibes and also sights and things to do. All the beaches of California are super nice but for me i try to cover the ones from Malibu to Rosarito Mexico since they are the ones that i spend the most time at.....
i actually live in Mission Beach and think it is by far the BEST BEACH on the planet for a host of reasons....mainly because it is located on a 3 1/2 mile strip of sand with Mission Bay on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other.
This gives it double the amount of boardwalk and beach space that most areas have plus Mission Bay is over 4,000 acres of park and wetlands that are used for boating, jetskiiing, biking etc....
Most beach locations you visit anywhere else in Southern California and once you leave the beach and walk one block inland you are in the concrete jungle with very little park or recreatuion areas left...
I like to shoot just about everything and anything and am equally happy shooting trees or flowers as i am shooting classic cars and swimsuit is all part of the Southern California beach life and therefore i treat it all the same because every part of it helps showcase the natural beauty of the area.....
being that i moved out here from Minnesota about 20 years ago i still remember the first time i crossed over the Mission Bay Bridge into Mission Beach....there was more color than my eyes had every absorbed in every direction.....Mission Bay was a clear blue with about 50+ sails and sailboats in the water surrounded by the greenest grass and most majestic palm trees you have ever seen.....mixed all around that was a beachfront roller coaster rising up about 6 stories high and a host of shops, bikers, rollerbladers, kids and happy smiling was an amazing sight and still is everytime i come home in that direction a photographer i learn to see things in a way where i am always grateful....i love shooting visitors on the beach because fo the look of euphoria as their feet touch the water is all good and a great reminder that i live in a spot where many people plan a year out just to stay a week........Mission Beach is awesome and i am super grateful to have been here as long as i have.......

anyway there is never a dull moment when you live and cover the beaches for a hobby and living.........
there are some upcoming events that i will say you will want to bookmark.....

first on Saturday July 28th there is a huge party and beach bash at The Wave House in Mission Beach...the best part is that Promo Models Inc. is hosting the party and also providing a swimsuit contest that will send 1o girls to Mexico for an all expense paid, in addition to a modeling contract worth up to $40,000 and a lot of free gear including shirts, hats etc..from other Bikini Event sponsors. SoCal Beaches Magazine is one of the sponsors of the events and I will be there with my incredibly wonderful girlfriend Karin to enjoy the fun and get some good shots to post on our website and website.

on Saturday July 29th there will be The Imperial Beach Sand Castle contest. This is one of my 2 favorite events to cover at the beach......there will be over 40 teams competing in pro and amatuer divisions making sandcastles and at Noon the judging begins and the sandcastles are showcased for about 4 hours before the high tide comes and restores the beach to a flat place.

over 50,000 people attend this event and the reason it is by far one of my favorites is because
1. it is ON THE BEACH and is fun for kids, a date, families, photographers etc...
2. there is great music and food along with a street fair
3. Imperial Beach is an awesome place and this event always gets me down there to appreciate all the work that has been done to upgrade this area and clean it up a bit

the other must attend event every summer is The AVP pro beach volleyball is a group of people who really get it when it comes to creating an action packed fun event that takes place on the sand and provides something for everyone....

first of all the AVP is loaded with some of the most beautful female athletes on the planet so for the male population there is complete happiness and awe just standing and watching but add in some incredible talented digs, spikes and diving bodies and you have a "man paradise".
the mens teams make the women happy, plus these guys are some serious players smashing spikes at nearly 70 mph to the opposing player on the other side of the net....they play tough and often do a lot of yelling and screaming with traveling fan bases that like to "rib" or tease other players and really add some intrigue and excitement to the game.

now add in some great live music, some super fun in between game events between fans in the main court area, the entertainment and comedy from announcer Chris "Geeter" McGee anouncing player like Phil Dalhausser as "The Thin Beast" and you are ready to join the AVP cult...which basically means if they are playing anywhere close in Southern California i will be there and you will too because the action and fun is contagious and the volleys and plays these athletes make are unbelieveable.........i am blogging now while watching the finals on NBC...thanks NBC for standing up and putting this event on LIVE TV....i am so sick of seeing poker or fishing when there are real sports out there with athletes showing physical skills and not "mental" ones....

WOW Phil Dalhausser is right now doing a live interview in between matches for NBC while i am typing this...the AVP also makes the athletes super accessible so little kids can easily get autographs and the sponsors provide tons of free give-aways for kids so they can walk home with a nice grab bag of goodies...
The AVP caters it's enviroment for kids and they do an awesome job every year.....

Leonard Armato is the AVP CEO and he has done an amazing job creating momentum and a fast growing fan base........his wife by the way is the incredible Holly McPeak who is the 2nd all time winningest women player, with 72 tournament wins, and one of the biggest role models to ever hit the beach or represent beach volleyball...also throw in that she is in her early 40's (like me) and looks amazing, is in great shape and is a great Mom having fun and interacting with her step sons Anthony and Elio.

The AVP is all class, and it is an event that I always mark on the calendar and attend.......due to an intensive 2 day conference i had to attend this weekend i could not get to Long Beach but I will be in Manhattan Beach when the AVP wraps up their 2007 Southern California tour locations for 2007 on August 9th thru 12th.
If you like the beach, you will love The AVP!

Stay tuned for more fun this summer at the beach and check out my latest posts and links on our and also websites

see you at the beach!

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